Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day Two- chocolate, crisps, and milk

All is not lost friends. I can still eat crisps.

Salt and vinegar ones anyway.

Yesterday morning was the start of day two on my vegantastic adventure and I must say, I haven't been tempted by any non vegan food- I'm not suffering. This diet doesn't make you crave food in the same way others might. You can still eat plenty and in a sort of sneaky way (not many sweets are vegan, and you're eating less of the saturated fat and cholesterol that comes with meat and dairy)you're eating good stuff.

I forgot to eat breakfast yesterday (I frequently do) so I snacked on my carrot sticks and nuts and raisins for the morning and polished off about half my cous cous at lunchtime. I mixed it up with a vegetarian pasta mix but it wasn't great to be honest- the cous cous had lumped together and the sauce was unevenly distributed for the most part, so maybe I'll give the cold cous cous a miss for the rest of the week. I inhaled about five cups of coffee during the day.

I finished off the rest of the cous cous later and ate some more nuts. I've been eating away at the same bag since last week (nuts are a sound investment). I was feeling pretty weak so next on the menu was some bruschetta (toasted bread) with coriander and oil, (toasted under the grill) complete with some chopped tomatoes, drizzling oil and thyme. NOM.

After that I mosied along to the boy's house and pigged on dark chocolate and black coffee with sugar while watching TV. I had a very filling day, to be honest.

I'm starting to wonder about how muc protein you actually need. Apparently it's not that much- I'm not lacking energy and I'm not hungry. I can still eat fun food (before I forget, I ate some salt and vinegar crisps yesterday, as well as that orange flavoured dark chocolate, which I've always loved, luckily). I have about four euro left- I'm still in college though and the gang is talking about getting dinner, so we'll see what kind of dinner a vegan with no money can get (hmmmm).

Today I discovered Alpro Soya Vanilla Yoghurt (well, the boy bought it for me, in what was a surprisingly lovely yoghurt related surprise) and yesterday I tried Soya milk. It was DELICIOUS. It genuinely tastes just as nice as milk (although different, a little sweeter and creamier)- I'd go so far as to say it tastes better. I've been considering its possibility as a mixer in milkshakes. Very excited altogether.


  1. Swap out that coffee for green tea. Better buzz.

  2. And not that tea bag crap, get yourself some leaves. Get some mean brewing going on.

  3. I'm SO STOKED that you're doing well! If only more people realised that by buying even a *few* vegan products here and there they are still making quite a difference to the world they live in. Maybe from this experiment you can actually pick up a few tips and keep buying a few of the things even after you start eating meat and dairy again?

    Rice milk is EVEN NICER than soya milk, although it doesn't really go very well with hot drinks as it's not "creamy" enough. But on cereal and as a cold drinks mixer it is the NOMMEST milk around :D

    Dark Choc is the biz tho! And so are Alpro desserts (yay for Adam looking after you!!).

    And don't be afraid to tell someone at a restaurant that you'd like them to rustle up something dairy and meat free. I bet they get strange requests all the time. I sometimes ask for a salad with nuts and pears instead of cheese... or olives, pine nuts and sundried tomatoes. Those kinds of things are usually easy to do for a vegan. Or even just chips and a dip. Or If you're going for Asian food there will deffo be something on the menu xxx

  4. @Irish Henshin: I may just do that. Normally I'd be a fiend for tea but sans milk it just doesn't seem the same. I bought green tea... like, two years ago maybe, with the best of intentions, in Asia Market. It's still sitting there, judging me.

    @Velo Vegan: Yeah, I'm considering the long term veggie/vegan diet. I'm becoming interested in seeing how long I could do it for- I feel like I'm eating more healthily and it's not hard either. It's also interesting when you're forced to expand your palate what you discover you like. I had a little moment of pride earlier when I remembered to ask if there was any dairy in the soup I ordered!

  5. Good luck with Veganism but I have to disagree with you .. soya milk creamy ? I think yours might have been a little off. Try the unsweetened soya milk thats the proper stuff :) milk free cheese is fantastic .. slightly expensive but amazing when like me you can't stomach milk.

    Green tea tastes rank .. but tea with out milk is lovely you really get to taste what your drinking.

  6. @Katie: God I hate green tea! I think soya milk can be "creamy" though, especially if it's the vanillary or almondy flavoured ones. It's definitely more creamy in consistency than the more watery milks like rice milk though, even the normal unsweetened soya. Never really tried the vegan cheese, it never really appealed to me so I don't substitute it. If I have a pizza I have it with refried beans instead, it's lovely!

    @Orna: It's great you're considering it long term and that it opened your eyes to more healthy eating options. When you look at ingredients to check if a product is vegan it is crazy sometimes the amount of crap (E numbers, preservatives, chemicals - stuff you don't even know how to pronounce!) that is in it. I think knowing what is in your food is one of the keys to success with a diet. You need to put completely pure stuff into your body and in turn it will really thank you for it! I remember when I started going vegan I actually cut out dairy before meat. Sounds mad, but to me it was easier that way! I gradually cut more and more things out. I remember being pretty much completely vegan apart from fish and parma ham. Then eventually those went too. I tried to reintroduce fish back into my diet a while ago when my doc said I should put on some weight, but I really didn't like the taste of it any more so I just couldn't bring myself to eat it, which was mad.

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