Saturday, May 15, 2010

Day five

Yesterday was a super busy day, and I mostly forgot to eat, so this isn't going to be a very long post.

At four o'clock I had to hand in my Irish dissertation. I still had to put the finishing licks on it so I sat around not doing very much except for spellchecking until about half eleven. I was meeting my mother at one and I had to run for the bus at around twelve. I put on some toast and forgot about it. Before I ran out of the house I quickly buttered it (non dairy spread, en fait) but once I bit into it it was like cardboard, so I threw it in a bin. I was in college at one and after that it was a fluster of printing, last minute tables of contents and collating. Once I had the dissertation handed in and signed off I wandered off on my merry way again. It was a quarter past four and I was on my way to an appointment at half five in Dun Laoghaire, so off to the DART station with me.

In the seven blissful minutes of calm waiting for the dart to arrive I meandered towards a cafe beside me. There was almost nothing vegan in it so I bought a Kombucha (I don't know why I'm on a Kombucha buzz at the moment, perhaps my brain has convinced me it's more vegan than Diet Coke) and I poured it down my gullet before my appointment- hydration is important after all.

On my way back into town it occurred to me that I hadn't really eaten very much. I nipped into a shop and yet again, was presented with an assault on my delicate vegan senses.

Being busy and being vegan aren't mutually exclusive concepts but it's tough, I tells ya.

I sidled over to the hot counter and got a tub of potato chunks. Bear in mind, this was around half six, and the chunks reflected this, having been there I assume for quite some time. I tried to eat the larger, not completely crennated ones but it was disgusting regardless so I threw most of them out.

When I arrived home I was pretty tired from my day of running around (and not eating much presumably) and was thrilled to see a vegetarian lasagna and a potato mash in the fridge. However, the lasagna had pasta on it (as it invariably does) and the mash was made with cream butter, so all my potatoey, pasta-ey dreams were smashed on the cold hard rocks of dairy and eggs.

There was an enormous carton of orange juice so the brother and I polished it off throughout the evening. I was going to go out last night but in the end I was just too tired so I curled up to a film with the boy and promptly fell asleep.

A very empty-tummied day, really.

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