Monday, May 17, 2010

Day seven- no vegan heaven

Sunday we awoke bright and (not so) early. Last day of my diet and myself and Velo Vegan were rolling into town to check out Africa Day in the Iveagh Gardens and "Shakes- Dublin's first Milkshake Bar" on Dame Street, which we heard offered non-dairy alternatives for the non-dairy lovers amongst us.

After breakfast, which was toast and jam (the boy had no non-dairy spread)

Africa Day was a bustling mess to be honest- the crowds bumbled through the place and swarmed around every stall. VV and I wandered around but we weren't able to get a good look into most of the stalls. The drumming workshops were filled to the gills with yearning onlookers so after some discussion we decided to get some vegan munches at one of the many stalls offering African cuisine.

Settled on a hill after a baffling interchange with a stall owner we surveyed our plates (which were quite small, and at six euro, not the best value. When it comes to outdoor events though, such is the nature of the beast).

We both opted for potatoes and spicy rice with some vegetables (not too generous with the vegetables mind you). The potato seemed to be coated in potato mash with an orange addition of some kind. We considered it being cheese but it didn't really have the consistency of cheese- although it did have a cheesy-ish flavour to it. The rice was determinedly vegan however, and very tasty.

After our fill of rice and culture we walked down to the new milkshake bar. Once inside we were stunned to find that for the pleasure of soy milk instead of regular dairy we were to be charged a euro or two extra.

We didn't even get the opportunity to cough up our hard earneds in the end- they were out of soy. According to some friends, that was the second day in a row they were out of soy. Not a good reflection whatsoever.

I ambled home soon after. I was feeling a little queasy after the spicy rice and potato mixture- maybe a little too much carbs in one go? The plan was to go for a cycle but I took a cat-nap instead and didn't notice it getting later and later.

Later I descended from my lair and munched on some toast. As days go, I ate a helluva lot of carbs, but it was the last day of the diet.

Overall the diet was a resounding success, if weight loss was the aim. One week and I'm between six and seven pounds lighter. I must admit, I'm stunned. I've been eating all the same food you're so strenuously warned away from when on a diet- white bread, noodles, sugar, chips.

However, as I've been cutting out dairy and meats I assume I've also cut out a lot of fats. It makes me wonder about diets and dieting in general. I'm quite allergic to citric acid so I avoid it, pineapple in particular and yet I never bother to avoid the other things I'm slightly allergic to. For example, after eating heavy carbs I generally feel immediately very swollen, and unpleasant.

I'd suggest veganism to anyone. I don't know if it's that veganism agrees with my physiology or if I was simply eating less carbohydrates.

Either way, it was a success. I'll be eating more vegan food from now on.

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